Trump Second Term Astrology

Tara Greene
8 min readNov 3, 2020

Posted on November 3, 2020


President Trump Astrology chart and Re-election in 2020
Donald Trump Birth Chart and Astrology Transits on Election Day 2020

I am looking at some aspects to the U.S. Sibley Birth chart itself and America’s Progressed chart then Trump’s transits and using Eclipse indicators mainly.

I am being impartial in my predictions. I use Western Tropical Astrology and my intuition, I am also a psychic. I have accurately predicted many political wins since 2004 in Canada and in the U.S. which have been published in Newspapers, on the Web, on TV and in my blog.

I predicted both Obama Presidential wins years ahead of time, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s first win a year in advance when that was totally unforeseen. I predicted Prince Harry meeting Meghan Markle years in advance and the Fukushima nuclear explosion to the month. I also predicted Covid-19, as I saw 2020 as a very dark year of death, restrictions and very hard times and was warning my readers. Covid-19 was not only the SATURN-PLUTO conjunction of January 12, 2020 but also a mass virus from planets Jupiter and Neptune in 2019. You can reference some of these articles on this site.

I intend to be as unbiased as possible not favoring one party or the other. I really don’t believe there are two real parties anyway. I will use the same evaluation system that I did for Joe Biden’s chart analysis- and assign a value at the end of



Tara Greene
Tara Greene

Written by Tara Greene

Professional Astrologer, Tarot Reader, Psychic, Goddess spirituality and workshops since 1991. Starseed, shamanic healer, dreamer, Green Witch, Sourceress

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