May 23 Rare Benefits, Sagittarius Full Bloom Moon

Tara Greene
7 min readMay 23, 2024

This rare and special Sagittarius Full Flower Moon, May 23 at 6:53 am PDT, 9:53 am EDT, and 1:53 pm GMT, at 2 degrees 55' of the last fire sign, is totally awesome.

With 3 Planets at 29 degrees,the degrees of fame, completion and drama.

VENUS conjunct JUPTER at 29+ TAURUS

NEPTUNE at 29+ PISCES sextiling the Venus/Jupiter sacred marriage this is a very rare scenario. THe 29th degree of PISCES is the very last degree of the Zodiac, signifying a huge karmic cycle coming to a close. Neptune hasn’t been at this degree since February 14, 1862.

That year The Bureau of Internal Revenue, the forerunner of the Internal Revenue Service, is established in the United States. The Civil War was heating up, U.S. President Abraham Lincoln signs into law the Pacific Railroad Acts, authorizing construction of the First Transcontinental Railroad.

Charles Dodgson (better known as Lewis Carroll) extemporises the story that becomes Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, for ten-year-old Alice Liddell and her sisters, on a rowboat trip on The Isis from Oxford to Godstow.

Famous Births

January 10 — Samuel Colt, American firearms inventor (b. 1814)



Tara Greene

Professional Astrologer, Tarot Reader, Psychic, Goddess spirituality and workshops since 1991. Starseed, shamanic healer, dreamer, Green Witch, Sourceress