Capricorn Super Moon Astrology

Tara Greene
3 min readJul 13, 2022

July 13 Super Buck Moon is the largest of 2022 as the moon is now closest to the earth. This super moon symbolizes a big completion in a longer-term cycle which began January 12, 2020. Pluto in Capricorn at 27 degrees is conjunct the Moon and at the Pluto Return degree of the U.S., the second of three exact conjunctions {on July 11th}. There are so many aspects going on at this lunation. The Moon is Full and huge at 11:37 am PDT/ 2:37 pm EDT/ 6:37 pm GMT.

This Super Moon is at the same degree-22 Capricorn as the infamous Saturn Pluto conjunction of January 12, 2020, which kicked off Covid-19 and also coincided with Prince Harry and Mehan leaving the Firm as working royals.

Think back to what your life was like before January 2020. This is a sobering realistic cold hard test by Saturn ruling this Full Moon from Aquarius.

The Moon is conjunct Pluto making it extra intense. Pluto is in Retrograde and this Full Moon coincides with the 2nd US Pluto return of three in 2022. See my previous video on this subject.

Pluto symbolizes Plutocrats and the Buck Moon suggests Bucking the system with Saturn in Aquarius symbolizing revolutionaries.

It’s a very complex lunation with Saturn the ruler in revolutionary Aquarius square the North Node and inconjunct, Venus, in Gemini square Neptune and Mercury



Tara Greene

Professional Astrologer, Tarot Reader, Psychic, Goddess spirituality and workshops since 1991. Starseed, shamanic healer, dreamer, Green Witch, Sourceress